Yasuo Kuroda
39.6 x 25.75 Inches
Offset Printed Poster
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Nonaka-Hill is delighted to present The Last Butoh, an exhibition of photographs by Yasuo Kuroda featuring Tatsumi Hijikata and company in his final performances. As with Hijikata’s previous photographic collaborations, Kuroda’s work confronted the inherent problems of representing ankoku butoh—its invisible but immanent qualities that hover between appearance and obscurity. For it had long been a preoccupation of Hijikata to transmute his dancing body—in scenes of cruelty and abject emotion—into still or moving images––even if this conflicted with the visceral nature of his art form. As such, these are less documents of his dance performances than newfound contributions to the inherent dilemmas of his project. They exist in their own dimension separate from live performance.
Made on the ocassion of the exhibition: TATSUMI HIJIKATA THE LAST BUTOH: Photographs by Yasuo Kuroda.
©NonakaHillShop 2023
NonakaHill, Highland
720 N. Highland Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90038
NonakaHill, Melrose
6917 Melrose Avenue Los Angeles CA 90038
NonakaHill is a contemporary art gallery in Los Angeles with a focus on Japan, founded in 2018 by Rodney and Taka Nonaka-Hill. NonakaHill has presented a roster of notable artists from modern and contemporary Japan, many for the first time on the West Coast.